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Denial of Language | Lee.K's Art Book


Some stories of Lee.K brought together in a melancholy illustrated miscellaneous, composed of the artist’s story, emotions, and erratic thoughts.

- Beautifying the unspoken or unspeakable pain and extreme anger in a person using an image of plaster cast -


Among many adverse products of speech, the loss of emotion, lack of communication, misunderstandings, and wounds created through words constitute the basic premise of his work.
The painful feelings that the artist himself must have experienced throughout his life have led to denying the language and inherently become the overarching theme of his works, which is unmistakably seen throughout his works. The reason for disfiguring the model's mouth can be explained in one phrase, "the denial of language."



*Lee.K's Print Limited Edition included
*Autographed and numbered by artist Lee.K


  • Dimensions | L 29.6 cm x H 23.0 cm (9” x 11.6”)
  • Cover | Hardcover Book Printing
  • Language | English & Korean
  • Pages | 200 Pages
  • Paper Density | 120g/m2
  • Weight | 1100g (2.4lb)

Lee.K Art Book | Denial of Language

Sales Tax Included
  • Only for 1,000 Editions

    Including Lee.K's Print Limited Edition (postcard size)

    Art book with the artist's handwritten numbering and signature

    *NOTE : The edition number will be shipped randomly


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